Skin Savers for Adult Acne

A good skin day. I’m glad they aren’t total history. But for a minute there, I thought they were.

I didn’t struggle with breakouts until this past year. It’s been so frustrating that what’s worked for my skin before didn’t anymore.

When I sent my plea for help out to Instagram and to family and friends, I got all sorts of recommendations, and I’ve been I’m glad to say I’ve found a few things that have actually helped.

First of all, I suspect that my acne is mostly hormonal. It always hits at the same time, right before my period, so I knew I’d have to address that.

Also, I’ve learned that skin health is closely related to gut health, so that needed some attention too.

I was happy to discover a few inexpensive products (and tips) that together addressed all of those things. I definitely still get little breakouts, but since incorporating these things into my routine over the past month, my skin has significantly improved.

I’m no a skin doctor. Just a 30-something mom standing in front of a mirror, asking it not to show her the face of an acne-prone teenager. Here’s what’s helped my skin:


DIM Several people told me about this and swear by it, so I was excited to try it. DIM is the cancer-fighting nutrient in cruciferous vegetables. It helps with hormone, thyroid, and acne regulation.

Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting Exfoliant (Aveda has a great chemical exfoliant too). The salicylic acid is the power ingredient here. Nothing calms my breakouts faster.

Apple cider vinegar pills SO many people recommend apple cider vinegar for skin and digestive health but I could NOT stomach the stuff. A friend told me about the pill version and I was sold!

Thayer’s Witch Hazel A natural astringent and pore minimizer. I use this as a toner and I’m always surprised how much makeup comes off on it even after I’ve washed my face!

Probiotic I use the one from Clean Simple Eats because I know she’s picky about her ingredients and sources. Again, the lining of the flora in your intestines can have a direct reflection on your skin. A good probiotic can help keep it back in order.


Wash your pillowcase often. Your face is on it for eight hours, after all! Aim for washing your pillowcase in hot, soapy water at least once a week. Although, I have a diligent friend who switches hers out every two nights.

Don’t touch your face. You probably do it more than you realize. But there are tons of bacteria and oils on your face that can lodge on your skin and cause breakouts.

Keep it clean. Regularly sanitize your phone and other things you touch often (keyboards, makeup brushes, etc.) clean. It’s all about limiting bacteria.

Wash your hands. Washing hands is the number one preventer in spreading bacteria and pathogens. When it comes to skin, its especially important to wash hands before you touch or wash your face. Pay extra attention to fingertips and under fingernails, where germs like to hang out most.

Drink up. The more fluid you drink, the more your skin will be able to flush out toxins and brighten your complexion. Aim for at least half your body weight (in ounces) every day.

Eat well. When I’m getting a good variety of fruits and vegetables in my diet and not going crazy with the sugar or dairy, my skin is clearer.

Get enough sleep! Your skin heals and regenerates while you’re sleeping. It also helps regulate hormones. I have a personal testimony of that one, as does my poor husband. Beauty sleep is a real thing! Aim for 7-8 hours a night.

Some products I’m still on the lookout for: A good day cream, night cream, and nightly cleanser. I want to hear all of your recommendations!


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